Softball Head Coach and Local Coordinator Randy Younghusband attended a SOBC Conference focusing on how well S.O. is working and how to continue to strengthen its structure using Recruitment and Fundraising as two strategies.
These include, making the public aware of our message and the benefits of joining the organization such as seeing an athlete smile. It is also important to help the community understand how vital fundraising is to us and the many other ways they can help. For example, community partnerships between groups such as First Responders and athletes, for such activities as the polar plunge, can encourage participation.
Locally, volunteerism continues to grow. Thank You to Chuck Bertrand, a fierce advocate and beloved coach for his generous donation and for taking on a volunteer role for golf! Thanks as well to Ann Simonet for signing up as a golf volunteer and to Katie Duncan our newest volunteer! We look forward to seeing you at many of our programs.
All together, 36 athletes and 16 coaches and volunteers make up our current roster. Among these are some cool customers. The curling coaches and volunteers Randy Younghusband, Jean Hage, John Stewart, Barb Bell (who has since also signed up for golf) as well as head coach Dave Sandness, are at the Gibsons Curling rink on the ice giving their all every Saturday. Shooting the fair one, Richard Hoath assisting Sam Giampa with Gibsons Basketball (which is now Thursdays from 6:30-7:45pm) and Jane Mead assisting with Sechelt Basketball are all helping their athletes score those great baskets!
As you may have noticed, the holiday season is rapidly approaching. Unfortunately, Special Olympics here on the Coast will not have a party this year. In the past, these get-togethers were full of frivolity, music, and food and of course the big guy in red. Instead, we can sit around our living rooms and reminisce of days passed and look forward to “Fun in the Sun” next June!
Meanwhile you can enjoy a couple of photos from days gone by.
The weather outside is ‘frightful’;
SOSC’S so delightful,
I just want to let you know,